Saturday, November 30, 2019

STORY TIME: The Monster With-In a short story

The Monster With-In

Spitting in the sink, damn it seems like this mouth wash gets hotter with every bottle I buy. I look at myself in the mirror and lose vision for just a brief moment.
    "Ok, pull yourself together. This isn't the first time you have had this happen just go with it. Don't fight it!" I told myself.
Splashed some cold water on my face and slowly opened my eyes, there staring back at me was someone I didn't recognize. 
   "Who are you?" I asked.  "I am the one inside of you." replied the one looking back at me.  "Go away! I don't want you here." I told him.  He smiled and looked deeper in the mirror. "We are inseparable, where you go, I go. But, understand I'm slowly taking control and soon I will not be the one looking from the inside of you, I will be you." 
   The one looking at me then slid back and I felt my head lean backwards and shake, I felt my body shudder a bit and then just like that it was over. 
   "What the hell was that?" I questioned myself loudly. Damn another bloody nose, these are becoming worse with each passing day.  Where the hell is my aspirin my head is pounding. 
   Ring, ring, ring, ring...ring, ring, ring, ring... about to be late for work, shit. 
Grabbing my shirt off the end of my bed I make a mad dash for the door, blackness surrounds me.
   I can see daylight through the slits of my eyes. It's so bright, looking around the room everything is white, and it smells like disinfectant. I can see a silhouette just behind a curtain but I can't quite make it out. Trying to sit up is not a great idea, my head is in in so much pain what happened? Very gently I reach up to touch my head and feel bandages. Well, so much for work but how in 2 hells did I end up here? Just as I was about to question my insanity to myself the curtain opens wide. 
   " Ah, good to see you awake! I was beginning to get a bit worried." said a man in white. 
He smelled funny, like a combination of Old Spice and moth balls. He had a big smile, his teeth were big and perfectly aligned with little brown and yellow stains here and there on them. Probably a coffee drinker I thought to myself. I looked at his badge. Dr.  D. Eath, interesting name. 
   "How are you feeling right now?" he asked with concern in his voice.
"Like I got clubbed with a baseball bat! How did I end up in here?"
"Well, the doctor continued I am a hurt mom. I have had a lot happen in the past that I'm still learning to deal with. The biggest being the loss of 2 sons in 2015. I have no friends and I'm pretty isolated as my hobbies don't jive with everyone else's. for example. I love karaoke and I love painting and collecting reborn dolls. The babies help with my anxiety and give me someone to "take care of" especially when I'm missing my sons. Hopefully being in a group can help me meet and talk to other people and finally begin to heal.  It seems your neighbor found you in the doorway of your apartment. You had a nasty gash in your head so she called the ambulance and your lucky she did." 
   "Yeah, remind me to thank her later, but why am I lucky exactly?"
Dr. D. Eath pulls out an x-ray photo he took while I was taking my unconscious nap. Staring back at me with a wide, malicious grin, was the monster from my mirror, the One Looking at Me. How did that bastard end up in my picture? Why did he look so much bigger then when I saw him in my mirror? 
   "Dr D, who is this? That's not me! That thing doesn't even look like me. I am not that big and I'm certainly not that ugly!" I hear a maniacal laugh in my head. Now I was starting to panic and freak out.
   Ripping off the iv's from my arm I started to get up out of bed. "I'm not staying here, he followed me here, I got to go." I say in a flustered way breathing heavily.
  Dr. D gently put his hand on my shoulder, with compassion in his eyes he quietly said, "Its ok, calm down. I'm so sorry."
I was not having any of it, I grabbed my clothes that were on the chair and got dressed. I ran out of that hospital as fast as my legs could carry me. Down to the river I need to clear my head, walking along the bank I can see the rocks that frame the river, wide an jagged, so much trash has collected over the years. Someone really should be sent out to clean this up. It feels like getting to my favorite siting rock is becoming a hazard. Breathing heavily I make it to my rock just under the overpass and lean my head against the cool concrete wall. This feels good, I'm tired, my head hurts and I just want to sleep for while. I look down at my reflection in the water. The One Who Was Looking at Me was staring back from the river. He was huge, and ugly, his face was contorted and demonic, he smiled at me and razor sharp crooked teeth was all I saw. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. When I tried to get up and run away my body was frozen in place. I watched helplessly as he opened his huge mouth and swallowed me whole. 
   I guess it was a nice service, lots of people I didn't know showed up to pay their respects. Brain cancer I heard them say, rare I heard another say, aggressive monster I heard someone describe it as.  As for me, I call it unfortunate, but now I have peace and The One Looking At Me is finally gone.  

     A short Story by Desirae Wagner

picture by Drakehillside(fur anity)

(Disclaimer: This story is copyrighted and in no way can be copied or reproduced without my prior consent.)

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